Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Marvin the marshall.

Marvin the marshall is an alien from Mars. But he is ususally found around Earth or in other places around the universe. Marvin is almost always with his alien dog, named "K-dog". Sometimes he is found with other creatures aswell.

Marvin has been trying to destroy the Earth for a very long time but has always been unscuccesful. He said it destroys his view of Venus. Marvin is not the average height and is quite small looking. He has quite the temper also and is ususally found saying "You are making me very angry! Very angry indeed!". Also, Marvin does not have a mouth but he can still talk. Marvin is always found wearing old fashioned basketball shoes and Roman soilder's uniform. His head is like a sphere and is also always found wearing a helmet.
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Marvin is always found using a small pistol that fires ethier bubbles or energy beams. He is also very long-lived and has been living for thousands of years now. Marvin is still found around Earth and many other places around the Universe with his fellow dog. He still trys to destroy the Earth but is ususally very unsuccesfull.

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