Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Mir Space Station.

The Mir space station is the world's frist long-term research station in space. It is a russian space station. It had been out in space for 15 years until March 23 2001. It was thought to only last five years, but ended up much longer than that. Than, on purpose it was breaked apart.

The Mir had the ablitly to support a crew of three people, but could also hold more crewt for a short-term visit. The Mir was also the start of space tourism. Many wealthy familes paid to go up there. Close to 100 people have been to the Mir Space Station and have all stayed up there for an reasonable amount of time. In 1997, the Mir crew had faced many diffuculties onborad. There was a very dangerous fire caused by a backup oxygen-generating device, they had faced many differnt types of borad system failures and also, they had a total power loss on the spaceship causing it to "tumble" through space.

The Russian Space Agency than annouced that the Mir space station would have to be destroyed in a safe manner. The space station was than taken into the Earth's astomphere near Nadi, Fiji. It was than burned. The unburned material fell into the South Pacific Ocean. That was the end of the Mir Space Station.

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